On 29 August 2006 the Chairman of the Section Prof. Dr. Christian Wiencke, on behalf of the Phycology Section, awarded the medal to Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kies. Kies is honoured for his ‘active participation in the establishment of the Section’, as Wiencke explained in his speech (see laudation, pdf file). At the award celebrations Kies presented a lecture on "Die Algenvegetation der Tide-Elbe, gestern, heute und morgen" (Algal vegetation of the tidal Elbe yesterday, today and tomorrow, German pdf file, 18 MB). In 2006 the Medal was awarded for the first time. The award ceremony took place during the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Phycology Section of the Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft held on the off-shore island of Helgoland during a ceremony (programme, pdf file).
Members can retrieve images of the award ceremony from the Intranet