
We welcome your interest in our Phycology Section of the German Botanical Society. The membership contribution currently is EURO 20 (reduced to 10 EURO for student members). Membership of the Phycology Section normally also requires membership in the German Society for Plant Sciences (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, DBG).

Membership for Newcomers

However, you are able to test the membership in the Phycology Section without joining the German Botanical Society first for up to three years (‘membership for newcomers’). Further information is provided in the Section's bylaws. Please contact the chairpersons of the Section for specific queries.


The benefits of being / becoming a member of the Phycology Section include:

Join the Section now

Members of the Phycology Section support the aims and objectives of our Section. The more members we have the more powerful we are able to advocate the concerns of phycology and phycologists in the scientific community, in the public and in politics.

Join the Phycology Section and please download and complete our application form (pdf) and return it to us.

We are looking forward to network with you.
