Scientific Conferences of the Phycological Section
Every other jear − alternating with the international Botanikertagung − the Section organises a scientific confernece, to provide a forum to discuss latest scientific results.
Every other jear − alternating with the international Botanikertagung − the Section organises a scientific confernece, to provide a forum to discuss latest scientific results.
12th until 15th March 2023
Rosensäle in Jena, Germany
read conference report at DBG's website or this pdf file
16th and 17th March 2022
online Phycology Conference
see German conference gleanings are at DBG's website
8th - 11th March 2020
Kloster Steinfeld, Kall-Steinfled, Germany
To images in the intranet (Log-in required).
Conferences conduced prior to1999 can be studied in the intranet of the Section's website as well as read about in former German Rundbriefe (open only for members of the Section).