Poster Award

The Phycology Section awards Prizes for excellent scientific posters presented at its conferences. The following researchers have received the award:

Promoting young researchers

2023: Poster Prize

Best poster price award to Trang Vuong (f.l.t.r.): Trang Vuong, MSc., Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger, Prof. Dr. Claudia Büchel. Photo: Volker Wagner

1. Place

Trang Vuong (Jena): Life of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in a 3-D structured environment

Promoting young researchers

2023: Poster Prize

The second poster price was given to Cynthia Medwed (f.l.t.r.): Cynthia Medwed, MSc., Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger, Prof. Dr. Claudia Büchel, Prof. Dr. Maria Mittag. Photo: Trang Vuong

2. Place

Cynthia Medwed (Rostock): Not dead yet: historical Cyanobacteria in sediment cores survived over decades and can be revived