Since 1984 the Section advances phycology. The network furthers basic and applied scientific research, supports young scientists and researchers and furthers the exchange between its more than 120 members (date: November 2015).
To do so the Section organises conferences and meetings and promotes scientific basic and applied phycology in the framework of biology on national and international grounds. The Section only has non-commercial purposes as declared in its bylaws.
The Section awards the Pringsheim Prize for an exceptional PhD thesis, awards the Algological Studies Prize for a Diploma, Master or Bachelor thesis and awards the Hans-Adolf von Stosch Medal to persons who rendered outstanding services to the Section and its aims.
The Section provides an information service and offer expert advice to the media. As of 2007 we nominate an ‘Alga of the Year’ to raise public awareness of important algae.
Together with other associations, the Section founded the Federation of European Phycological Societies (FEPS) as European umbrella organisation to represent phycology also on international grounds.
The Section achieves its aims mainly by engagement and work by its members and board members and is mainly financed by membership fees. The award of one of the prizes is sponsored.
If you have any questions concerning our Section our please feel free contact one of the board members.