Graduate Assessor
Graduate Assessor of the Phycology Section
Karin Glaser's main research focusses on terrestrial microorganisms, their ecology and functional role in the ecosystems. She analyses biodiversity with a set of molecular methods. At the moment, she is working on microorganism associations in soil crusts, which are composed of algae, cyanobacteria, fungi, protists and heterotrophic bacteria. How the ecological functions of biological soil crusts are related to biodiversity is her current research question. She studied Biology in Leipzig and did her PhD at the Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig (UFZ). Since 2014 she is working in Rostock.
Dr. Karin Glaser
Lehrstuhl Angewandte Ökologie & Phykologie
Albert-Einstein-Str. 3
18059 Rostock
Tel: ++49 (0)381-498 6093
E-Mail: karin.glaser[at]