Student Award

The Section supports young scientists by awarding the Student Prize*). The following researchers have received the award for their outstanding Diploma, Bachelor or Master theses: 

Promoting young researchers

2023: Student Award

Student award for Nina Rittmeier (f.l.t.r.): Nina Rittmeier, BSc. Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger, Prof. Dr. Claudia Büchel, Prof. Dr. Maria Mittag. Photo: Trang Vuong

Nina Rittmeier (Innsbruck): „Control of cell division and chromosome countings in three strains of the filamentous green alga Zygnema (Zygnematophyceae, Charophyta)“

Promoting young researchers

2020: Student Award

Anna Busch (Cologne): A UV-inducible sunscreen pigment found in the extracellular mucilage of aerophytic green algae (Zygnematophyceae)

Promoting young researchers

2018: Algological Studies Student Award

Anh T. (Lina) Van: "Reconsidering the phylogenetic relationships of selected taxa within the Cymbellaceae (Bacillariophyta) with an integrative approach"

Promoting young researchers

2016: Algological Studies Student Award

Manuela Trobej: "Islands in the landscape – travertin springs and the algal communities"

Promoting young researchers

2014: Algological-Studies Student Award

Oliver Dautermann: "A VDL protein of the violaxanthin de-epoxidase superfamily catalyzes the formation of neoxanthin, an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the algal light-harvesting carotenoids fucoxanthin and peridinin"

Promoting young researchers

2012: Biomaris Student Award

Steffen Storck: "Exploring the function of loroxanthin in light-harvesting complex II of green algae"

Promoting young researchers

2010: Biomaris Student Award

Pia Steinbrücken: "Carotenoide in Rotalgen: Chemotaxonomie und Lichtschutzfunktion innerhalb der non-Florideophyceae"

Promoting young researchers

2008: Biomaris Student Award

Karin Buchmann, Köln: "Buchmann: Mesostigma viride (Lauterborn): Dreidimensionale Rekontstruktion des Systems kontraktiler Vakuolen"

Manuela Görs, Rostock: "Görs: Untersuchung von Chlorella-Produkten anhand verschiedener Qualitätsparameter"

Promoting young researchers

2006: Student Award

Sabine Ng Chin Yue, Konstanz: "Investigations on Photosystem II mutants in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum"

Promoting young researchers

2005: Student Award

Eva Nowack, Köln: "Das 96-well Twin-layer-System: Neue Perspektiven in der Kultur von Algen"

Promoting young researchers

Images of the award ceremony

Photos of the Awardees and the award ceremony can be retrieved from the Intranet.


*) Formerly the award was named "Algological Studies Prize" (2013 - 2018), "Biomaris Prize" (2008 - 2012) and before that "Students Prize". See sponsors.